Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Today Venus will transit the Sun (i.e. pass in front of it for our viewing pleasure). There are a lot of things that could be said about this event and it is certainly a great opportunity for astronomical public outreach. Locally we will have a bunch of telescopes for public viewing, starting with talks by both Nobel Laureates and scientists who actually study transiting planets.

But the Deep Thought I have been struck by is how a lot of the attention is focused on how this is the "Last Transit of Venus any of us will see in our lifetimes" (as the announcement e-mail of our own outreach event states). Where was all the hubbub during the 2004 transit? Obviously that wasn't as cool. Venus must always be transiting the Sun if there's another event in 8 years. But now, it's the Last Chance. If you don't see it now you won't have another chance because you will be dead!

I think this is an example of a common phenomenon. Things that happen all the time are boring. Things that happen rarely are much more interesting. Things that will only happen one more time before you die are even more awesome and I don't think it's because of a morbid fascination with our own mortality, but rather a life-affirming fascination with our own mortality.

Transitory events remind us of our own transitory-ness and that Hey, we better start paying attention to things while we still can! The universe is a fascinating place in which Cool Things Happen instead of a boring place in which nothing changes! Sweet!

So I hope you enjoy it along with all the other things happening in this transitory event called Life.

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