Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym

I can't concentrate on work right now, but I don't have time write anything deep. Over the last few weeks of not having time to blog, though, I've still been adding to my running list of blog topics that I may one day want to develop into complete thoughts and full sentences. I have too many other sentences to write at the moment - science sentences - so I thought I would post the list as a blog post about blogging. (So Meta.) The newer ideas are on the bottom and older on the top, with the most recent added last night, and I believe this post counts as item 3:
  1. Dune, or specifically, the Litany Against Fear. Perhaps a personal account of my exploratory surgery before senior year of high school and how I remember saying it to myself...
  2. Philosophy and Cosmology, for example the Anthropic Principle (reference that recent review, was it George Ellis?) or inhomogeneous cosmological models and the Copernican Principle, how that’s often misunderstood to be the Cosmological Principle (or vice versa) 
  3. I could always post something less-deep...
  4. Empiricism vs. Rationalism
  5. ‘Tween t-shirt’ controversy: and jezebel article (maybe with discussion of PandA Diversity group) 
  6. “Floating in the void between theory and observation” (clever idea? clever title at least) 
  7. Faster-than-light neutrino or how the universe doesn’t make any sense 
  8. Culture of superiority as expressed in Tea Party/media reactions to Occupy Wall Street movement, psychological tendencies to compare/rank yourself with others, sense in physics (and business?) that arrogance interpreted as being confident/knowledgeable… 
  9. The Indra simulations and the meaning behind the metaphor of Indra’s net
Since the list was never meant for human consumption, you will have to deal if it makes less sense than my usual posts.  One day, when I have more time for writing non-science sentences (or in some cases, non-research-related-science sentences).... well it still might not make sense, but there will be more of it!

So there we have it, a snapshot of thoughts about deep thoughts.

If you're curious about one of the topics or want me to write about it next, let me know! The idea that someone cares about something might get me to focus on it once I find myself wanting/having time to write non-research sentences... in, let's say, April? :-/