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8:15pm HMRT (Her Majesty's Royal Time): Just about to get this thing started. Keep re-freshing the page to get updates, and it's probably a good idea to load the video in a different window so you won't lose your spot when you refresh.
....and we're LIVE! I'm so glad this is on at a reasonable hour over here!
8:20pm HMRT (1:15 video time): Both of you sit down already!
8:25pm HMRT( 5:44 video): Super-young kid asks about college. When did they get so young?
Anyway, I will note that Romney said he will create jobs, Obama said how he will create them.
8:30pm HMRT (11:20 video): BOOOOO drilling and fracking! boooooo!! how do people think Obama is far-left?
17:16 video: FIGHT FIGHT! awww.....
I wish somebody would fact check this "yes you did!", "no I didn't!" nonsense. (they won't.)
8:46pm HMRT (26:40 video): that's right, the middle class has been struggling much longer than the last 4 years and it certainly isn't because of higher taxes! Middle-income wages have stopped growing.
30:30 video: Hahaha "sketchy deal", Obama you are bad at making jokes right now!
36-38: love all of Obama's response on equal pay for women!
9:02 HMRT (38:46 video): Romney got "binders full of women"? My, that is colorful language. I wonder if anything will come of that remark or if the story's even true.
BTW making sure to recruit and hire qualified women as part of diverse hiring practices is indeed important, but doesn't really address equal pay. I hope Romney paid the women in those binders on the same scale he paid the men.
"Women have lost 580,000 jobs. That's the net of what happened in the last 4 years."Wow, that factually incorrect number is big, Mr. Romney! Turns out it's more like 93,000. Also, I like to point to this graph when people talk about "net jobs" as an example of how taking an integral often washes out important information.
P.S. J. Ro, slow down, the guys are on pause right now waiting for me to type and link to things! We are only on minute 40!
9:09 HMRT (40:40 video): Also I like how Romney's argument seems to be: "The best answer is to have a strong economy so employers have money to throw around and will hire women! Let's face it, in a weak economy who would take that risk?"
46:40: Bored. Here's the image I just linked to. Also topical to what they're talking about.
.... nevermind, it's not a static image, but in looking for it I found something more awesome. Go here and view the source code (Ctrl-U). :-)
9:25 HMRT (54:30): Still bored. Romney still doesn't understand integrals.
On a side note, I filled in my absentee ballot today! It was nice doing it in front of a computer so I could look up the down-ballot candidates for Board of Education etc. and know something at all about who they are, even though I saw a couple horrible websites.
9:33pm HMRT (1:03:00): Immigration Fact-check point goes to Romney. (Also gets in a good jab! He wasn't the standard-bearer 4 years ago, chuckle!)
1:05:20: Definitely almost fought again! Calm down!
9:39 HMRT (1:08:00 video): I hate it when they don't answer the question.
1:13:38: Oh shit, Obama is getting stern with Romney.
1:14:29: Point to the moderator on instant fact-checking! Though Romney has a point as well that Obama didn't say with certainty that it was terrorism for a while after that.
We all know how much I care about being certain here...
9:50 HMRT (1:19:38 video): Ugghhh... did Romney just say that the solution to gun violence is... marriage? OUTLAW DIVORCE RIGHT NOW!!
Ugh. It's the culture of violence, because the parents aren't married.
1:21:19: Another point for the moderator. 1:22:00: +2.
1:24:09: Ugh Obama sit down.
10pm HMRT (1:27:30): Actually, Romney, maybe de-regulation actually led to the economy tanking? Maybe just a little bit?? Anybody remember credit default swaps?
1:31:48: Invest in science research! Yea! Rockabama!
1:36:20: Obama brings up the 47%. I might have had something to say about all that.
And that's it! Everybody remember to vote!